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FALL 2024 Registration: Digital Parent Pkg & Course Sign-Up

Simply move through the Sections below…so happy you might join us!

Pricing goes along with WHEN you sign up as well as the AMOUNT of courses to which you will sign up your teen. Ensure you select the correct phase or the form will reject your submission automatically. Info on these phases can be found in the Parent Package, available in Section 1 below. Thanks!



Read the F24 Parent Package with the link below. Once done reading, return here to execute it — just add today’s date below & then simply sign up for classes in the lower sections.

Download This File: F24 Parent Package

You will acknowledge and accept all terms in the entire Parent Package by: adding your information on this form in Section 2, choosing courses in Section 3, confirming, and then clicking “Submit.”

Thank you for your ongoing hard work as a homeschooling guardian. We appreciate you.

The form has a timestamp but please add today’s date to accept terms in the PPkg contents.



Use the middle name field if you prefer to be called by another first name.
You must be able to be reached by text at this number during the times when your teen attends.
Gmail strongly preferred. We use Google Docs in the hubs for SOME. Double-ck you entered the correct address! We will write you within 24 hours and all confirmations will go to this email.
Use the middle name field if your teen prefers to be called by another first name.
A cellphone is required if the teen is commuting alone.
Gmail strongly preferred. We use Google Docs and teens have better access to participate in all coursework.
This person must be authorized by you to make decisions regarding your teen when you cannot be reached.
This person must be authorized by you to make decisions regarding your teen when you cannot be reached.


Course Levels

L5=Appropriate for any student. * L4=Most difficult.
L3=High performance. * L2=Moderate. * L1=Beginner.

***Click to see course descriptions. They’ll open in another tab.


Each course happens 1x per week. You can select 1 or more of the Monday classes.


Each course happens 1x per week. You can select 1 or more.


Each course happens 1x per week. You can select 1 or more.


Each course happens 1x per week. You can select 1 or more.


Any special notes to Krista can be written here.

After You Click Submit…

If you do not receive a pop-up notice that your form has been sent to us, please contact us right away. It means something went wrong with your sign-up. Let us know if that happens by writing We’ll contact you within 24 hours after you submit.
