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Professors • Adjuncts • Masters & Doctoral Candidates,

shift into a new gear!

Not only can we help you streamline your independent professional management needs, but we can open the door to a community of like-minded educational professionals and even bring students to you for instruction!
About Project SOME:  As a client of Springboard, one fantastic option you’ll have is to join other independent professionals in offering your expertise to an exceptional group of kind, smart, and talented teens. Springboard provides tools to match your expertise and courses to parents who seek in-person, small-group tutelage for their teenagers across nearly every subject. We know we can because they’re our clients. 
Reignite your passion for instruction and learn how our unique project can serve your needs.
Independent, retired, and adjunct professors as well as doctoral candidates and vertical experts come to Springboard for a multitude of reasons:
  • Individual tutoring is great, but it’s also a Sisyphus-like effort in finding students. We source your students for you. 
  • Teaching in-home or traveling for tutelage brings disadvantages. Materials can be limited; space concerns; safety; privacy; and cost
  • When you independently instruct, accounting and other professional woes are a drag
  • Instructor isolation for tutors is real.



Get your groove back.

Organize. Streamline. Find students.

Just fill out the below.

If you are degreed, please add degrees after your last name. e.g., “MA” or “Ph.D.”
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Please use this area to list your areas of expertise However, and also, in Project SOME, many of us are multi-layered professionals. So please also use this area to go beyond your CV. For example, your expertise might be in Chemistry, but you so happen to also be an avid chess player or a fine artist. This will give us a chance to discuss possibilities like course offerings such as “Chess Champs” or “Chalk Drawing.” Take us beyond your CV.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.